Thursday, 25 October 2012

Rustic Rogan Josh from The Spice Tailor

I seem to have pre-empted Anjum Anand's weekly Spice Night! I 'won' a sauce on Twitter simply by retweeting one of the Spice Tailor's tweets and have had in it the cupboard waiting for a night when we needed a quick supper. Week 7 is the Rustic Rogan Josh, coming up next Tuesday at 7.30pm. 

Tonight was such a night where we were both hungry, feeling spicy, and a bit, well, lazy. This pack was great. It comes with three packages, all you have to add is the meat, and vegetables if you want. No spice grinding, dry-roasting, blitzing, or any of that hard work! Fine if you have the time, but when you're just ready to eat... 15 minutes and it was done.

Simply chop your meat (I used chicken) and vegetables (peppers) and have them ready. Then quickly fry your spices (the pack contained red chilli, black cardamom, green cardamom, bay leaf, cinnamon, black peppercorns, and clove) in some olive oil for about 20 seconds. Then add in the meat and brown all over for a couple of minutes. Next add in the peppers, and I also added some ginger and extra chillies here, and then add the base sauce, which I suspect is an onion based puree. Simmer this for a few minutes, then add the main sauce, which (again, just a suspicion) was tomato-based. Simmer for about 5 minutes, and that's it! It really is as easy as Anjum makes it look.

Authentic tasting, quick, just the right amount of sauce, and perfect for a night in.

Rustic Rogan Josh Chicken

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