Saturday, 21 April 2012

Chicken Tikka Masala

Indian food. Difficult to cook at home, authentically. Well, like you get in a restaurant (I've never been to India... yet). But I've used this cookbook A LOT and sometimes, just sometimes, it's better!

Tonight I cooked Chicken Tikka Masala from The Food of India, by Murdoch Books. It was one of the best I've made, according to Himself. My spice cupboard contains as many spices as I can squeeze in, so all I really needed was some yoghurt and some cream, some ground almonds, and chicken. I haven't yet attempted to  make my own bread, so a nice naan bread from the shop on the Green was good enough. Didn't bother with any rice.

First the chicken was marinaded in tandoori masala, lemon juice, chilli powder, paprika, garam masala, garlic, ginger and yoghurt. You are supposed to leave it over night, but an hour or so was enough (hungry!). Then stick it on some skewers and put it under the grill, turning sometimes (when you start to smell something burn...).

Then to make the sauce, chop onions, peppers and some cardamons, fry for a while, add in some garlic, and then a tin of tomatoes. Cook this off until it gets nice and thick. Then add in a little cinnamon, garam masala, chilli powder and a teaspoon of brown sugar. Cook this for a minute then stir in some double cream and ground almonds, then chuck in the grilled chicken and simmer for about 5 minutes. I threw in the rest of the marinade too at some point, pity to waste it. There was plenty of sauce leftover for the next time we fancy a quick curry.

Really, really yum. And it doesn't take very long, marinading aside. Try it!

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