Sunday, 22 July 2012

My Little Pony Birthday Cake

My little girl's sixth birthday cake. I did a practice run with the Giant Chocolate Cupcake, but this was The Party Cake. I started off the same way, but instead of Nigella, I used the mix for the chocolate fudge cupcakes that always works. The base alone could have done the job that I wanted, it took a lot longer than the top to cook, so I think the top was over-cooked a tad, but hey, carry on...

So I chopped the risen bits off and laid one of top of the other - now that looks a bit like a house, no?

So, let the decorating begin (one bottle of white Rioja, opened). I trawled through Google Images to find ideas and then just went with one or two that looked fairly simple. I got plenty of ready-to-roll sugarpaste icing. I rolled out a green base, and then plonked the base on it. Made some nice pink buttercream icing and plastered the sides with it, then the top of the base, and put the top on the top. If you get me.

Then I rolled some yellow sugarpaste into strips and laid them on the 'roof', in layers, including a circular one on the very top.

Then the real fun! I made the door, windows and chimney out of various coloured sugarpaste, the 'paving' out of strawberry flavoured buttons, and the little flowers were just little bits of sugarpaste rolled out and swirled around. The ponies themselves, I had to rummage around for in the dark in her toybox, sometime after midnight, as I didn't think pony-modelling was going to be my strong point that late at night.

Finally, a little peronalisation with her name in edible icing, number 6 in sparkley balls, and some purple edible glitter. And a carrot.

My Little Pony 6th Birthday Cake

She loved it. :)

All my Birthday Cakes can be seen on my Pinterest page.

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