Wednesday 28 November 2012

Food Styling at Leith's Cookery School

 Having just completed the Food Styling Course at Leith's School of Food and Wine, I thought I'd share my attempts at styling a Greek Salad, and a Trifle.

Greek Salad

Greek salad, a social, organic style.

Thanks to Jennifer Joyce for her fun and informative classes.

Photo by me.

Chocolate and Cherry Trifle, a joint effort with Mandy from Number 12 Creative.

Thanks to Sarah Cook for the tips and really enjoyable classes.

Photos by Mandy.



Thanks also to Stuart Ovenden, food photographer and Art Director at Good Food Magazine, for lots of useful tips and making it look easy... it's not!


  1. It looks like it was a great course!

    1. It definitely was. I look at pictures of food now in a whole new way. Must try to improve my photographs! Thanks for reading. A x

  2. The photos show the perfect mix of colors, tasts and shapes. Thanks for sharing.


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