Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Pollo alla Pancetta

I had some chicken and pancetta to use up, and I found this great recipe through Twitter, Pollo alla Pancetta. I follow both The Evening Standard Stylist @StylistMagazine , and Katie Caldesi, a cookery writer and Italian restaurant owner in Marylebourne, @KatieCaldesi.

I was only cooking for Himself and myself, so I only needed two chicken breasts (luckily, that was all I had in the fridge!). I flattened them out, and put chopped long red pepper and grated Manchego inside. And yes, I added a chilli as well...
Rolled them up and wrapped them in pancetta, and stuck a cocktail stick in them, so it didn't unfurl as it was cooking.
Then I melted some butter and gently fried the chicken 'roulades' until browned all round. Next, I added some chicken stock and red wine (Chianti), brought it to the boil, covered, and simmered for about half an hour.
This next bit was new for me, a teaspoon of cornflour, mixed with a little water, added in, to thicken up the sauce, it worked really well!

Chicken with pancetta in red wine sauce
 In the meantime I boiled some new potatoes, and once they were cooked, gently pan-fried them in some butter and basil.

And for some vegetable input, I fried some shallots and asparagus in butter (health drive on the back burner tonight) and some pine nuts to finish off.

Shallots and asparagus with pine nuts

It was all delish! Try it.

Pollo alla pancetta


  1. yum - these look delicious. I started using cornflour recently when we had some gluten intolerant guests for a sunday roast so I couldn't use my normal flour in the gravy. It's great - i've used it quite a lot since

    1. It's a good trick - I never knew! And you only need a teaspoon. Thanks for reading!


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